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Design Accomplishments and Project Timeline

What I Hope to Accomplish

In Regards to Site:
Laurence Qarmar, Gateway Proposal

Refine the existing Eco district Urban Renewal plan into cohesive vision that takes into account an Educational Node as its catalyst.

Develop a future framework that shows the important role public transportation e.g. streetcar can play in providing the connectivity necessary for a functional eco-district.
Provide design solutions that are useful/respectful to the work PDC has envisioned for the gateway neighborhood.
Give Gateway a sense of place through form, functions and planning.
In Regard to Program:
emily arden wells: Green weave

Begin to blur the lines between High tech and High touch.  How can buildings and nature be synonymous?

Establish relationships between primary program and secondary program that enrich the learning environment and begins to showcase education as something we do together rather than individually.
Set a precedent for future building growth in the area, that provides the answers to self-sufficient building that foster a healthy balance of built and un-built, while placing importance on public interaction.
In Regards To Bio-Synergies:
daniel libeskind 54-story garden tower

Create/preserve habitat, examining how new development can begin to add to the vegetative fabric instead of subtract; something most urban environments lack.
Prove that strong metaphors derived from natural occurring systems/relationships can provide the necessary design solutions when applied to architecture in innovative and appropriate ways.
Demonstrate a clear understanding of what it takes to make a building/region environmentally conscious.  
Time Line:

Build large site model of Gateway, including topography, building massings, and cutouts for future model making.
Continue to look at precedence for Urban style campus/ large performance spaces
Investigate biosynergetic metephores in regards to site, program organization, building language, and the fut
ure development for the area.  Most likely Connectivity themed.
Begin planning Streetcar alignment (gateway/adjacent neighborhoods) and Master plan for the immediate Transit center area(Large shopping center area).
Refine Urban plan and Alignment.
Determine Best positions/ massing/ figure ground to support proposed programs and new urban plan
*Meet with James McGrath of ZGF/ Meet with Justin Douglas of PDC to review Urban plan
Get into Program
Work out Parti in relation to Transit/ Public spaces (interior)/ Education facility/ large public space (exterior)
Begin schematic design
Work with Grasshopper at its abilities for generating forms in regards to massing/skins
*Meet with James McGrath of ZGF/ Meet with Justin Douglas of PDC to building relationship to area
Design Development building scale
*Meet with James McGrath of ZGF to dicuss relationship of spaces
Design development case work scale
*Meet with James McGrath of ZGF to review details. Meet with Justin To discuss Building Aesthetic.
Work on Final presentation materials
Site model/
Section models
Skin Studies
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  • Haha, my spouce and i just had this discussion a couple of days ago, about how fortunate we have been that both of us like latest interior design trends. He came home from visiting a wonderful, albeit design-backward friend, and the first thing he stated when he stepped in the doorstep:

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