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Diversity on Design



After further research, I have found an article that describes what some high schools throughout the US are doing to encourage students to graduate and attend college. This article focuses on Charter High School of Architecture and Design (CHAD) in Philadelphia, which encourages high school student to pursue an architecture career. Furthermore: Ninety-five percent of students who start CHAD in freshman year will graduate four years later, compared to approximately 50 percent in Philadelphia’s wider public school system. Overall, the city dropout rate averages 10 percent a year, yet at CHAD it is only 1 percent. And more than two thirds of the school’s 2007 and 2008 graduates are enrolled in four-year colleges. “The question students used to ask each other was, ‘Are you going to college?’ Now, it’s, ‘Where?’ ” says Miguel Vazquez, CHAD’s director of college placement”.

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