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This was put together for a midterm presentation that crams in the most essential information in a 20×30 poster. Site response, thesis statement/idea and some program elements were all relevant in this process.

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  • ralcerro

    Is freaking awesome! What program do you use to create your presentations?

  • chengbei

    It is very interesting to look into the food production in United States; especially your project is to improve the local production for efficiency purpose, which represents the strong sustainability exploration. Since cities in United States sprawl out so much, while density is very low compared to where I grow up, the concept of the thesis becomes very strong and accurate to the current problems in United States urbanization. And what I could see is the flexibility to apply to any place that production is individually far away from the local market. What I concern is the feasibility of the 5th ward vertical farm. It looks appealing in the diagrams that the urban farm exists in the urban gaps and buffers. But I am a little confused about the organization of the farm system and infrastructure. It would be very helpful if you could provide some examples or circulation diagrams to express the relationships among rural farms, urban farms and the connections in between.

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