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Interview 1

Today I met with Justin Douglas at the Portland Development Commission (PDC).  Justin is deeply involved with the Gateway Urban Renewal Area and was able to share a ton of information and proposed design work.

This interview was really helpful in that it gave me a kind of insider view of the existing status of the neighborhoods as well its rich history.  It really felt like a lot of the decision I have been making intuitively were spot on and in keeping with the goals and priorities of the Gateway community.

A few fascinating tid-bits from the meeting include:

Gateway was annexed into Portland city in the 1980’s

The shopping center adjacent to the Transit center was the first shopping center in Oregon and was coined gateway by Fred Meyer with his gateway Fred Meyer.

Gateway has been zoned with no minimum parking requirements.

Gateway priorities :Infrastructure streets, Economic development, Parks, Education

East Portland is composed of a large diverse group including Latinos, Eastern Europeans and Russians

Several Schools have been looking at sites in GW for a satellite campus, PSU and Mt. Hood

PDC owns the air rights to the Oregon clinic.

I have about three pages of notes that will nicely add to my research and am excited to start developing the area.

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