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Thesis Statement Revisited + Program

Well, It has been awhile…

I felt the need to revisited my thesis statement, my site, and my program in order to try to understand what am I doing and going to do for the rest of the year. And this is what I came up with.

1. Explore the effects of time in architecture – through the change of materials and the movement through space.
2. Incorporate the history of the site. Looking at what’s already existed, what it used to be in the past, and bring back the memories of the site, or the city.

The site I choose to explore is located next to the eastside esplanade, east of the freeway off ramp. What I’m really interested in doing is to create a public space that extends from the esplanade into the central east side and lessen the disconnection created by the freeway.

I am currently looking at the combination of urban parks and community center which will provide a public space for people all year round, for recreational purposes and community events such as shows, movie, and sports.

I’ve had images of this project on my desk for almost two months now. There’s something very intriguing about this. The screen, the form, the mix between open public space and the programs which usually required a much more enclosed space.

Multi Mill/NL Architects

And why can’t there be a space which works as well during the winter time?

Site information, diagram, and model coming up soon…

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