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Interpreting Site

To give you a feel for the visual quality and personal character of my site, I’ve put together a video of footage taken during my first site visit. Though I am the primary person in the videos, I assure you there were lots of others there having fun too.


Fernhill Park Video

[Click to view video]


I further explored the site’s character and spacial qualities via another media: quilting.

Quilted interpretive site plan
[click to enlarge]

This exploration can be read as a plan of the site (North is up). The most southerly part of the site (the large off-white rectangle) is where Whitaker Middle School used to be; now there is no trace, besides a graded lawn. Just north of that is the running track and soccer fields– well-kept, open spaces. Up into the most northern reaches of the site, the topography becomes more hilly and varied, and the trees are more mature.  Despite its more natural feel, human intervention is still readily apparent in the mowed lawn and lack of underbrush; in the quilt, this is expressed as this “forest” is cut from the same patterned cloth as the other treed areas of the quilt.

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