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site response

So I finally chose a site that is near Yangtze River in my hometown. It is a place that used to be old lanes but unfortunately have been torn down for new development recently. The regional residents used to be struggling with the developers for more than a decade. Since the area is next to the most crowded commercial area in central downtown, its land value has kept rising that its real estate significance is invaluable. Due to the national property and land policies, the land belongs to the nation but the buildings on top could be considered private owned for 70 years. But the residences’ efforts didn’t work out for the government and developers. The land is got by Sir Li Ka-shing, the most wealthy man in Asian for new real estate development from the government. Then the residents need to relocate to a suburban area in Wuhan where planning department will rebuild their new apartments instead of houses. Such situation is normal to see during Chinese urbanization process especially for big cities.

The northwest of the site has been turned into commercial malls, and its northeast part is historic concessions with plenty of classic western buildings that belongs to national heritage property. And its south west and south east parts are mostly old lanes that includes commercial, residential and mix-use buildings.

The artifact I made is to reflect the emotions for my project. Its weaving form indicates the urban relationships towards the Yangtze River. And it soft form connects the shopping mall and the residential housing from northwest to southeast. The artifact is an interface for the old and new. And it is a gentle transformation in between. Also the color indicates the clearness and purity of the ideal architectural aesthetic feeling.

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