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Assignment 4: Site Response

My artifact is a sectional study of the areas surrounding Gateway.  The I-84/I-205 interchange are highlighted in orange to create contrast with the rest of the surrounding.  This is a visual way of showing how this freeway leave the adjacent areas disjointed and separate from one another.  
Sectionally the artifact examines and identify zones as the urban fabric begins to emanate away from the concrete arteries that feed the city.  Grey scale begins to organize the density, both people and land usage, (black being very dense, light grey being sparse).  
Lastly I begin to identify areas that are undeveloped and open space.  This study shows them as remnant land that is left as a buffer between the freeways and the developed areas.  Other residual can be found trapped between the off ramps.
This study makes me to think, how our freeways are people movers and at certain times of the day they are more dense than the city itself. How can the site begin to play off of this energy and density and use it as a means to support its own buildings functions?  A free ways intent is to connect us to different parts of the city, yet in doing so it can divide other portions intentionally or unintentionally.  How can this building learn from this? 

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  • Kent Wu

    I dig the emphasis on the freeway and how we use it now. It’s a good point of reference to what needs to be done. It’d be interesting to see as you develop a concept for the intervention be at the same “scale” and juxtapose the thesis and antithesis of the current site.

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