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Thesis Statement Draft

  • What is being investigated?
  • Why is it important?
  • Conceptual framework: How will the subject be approached?
  • Explain fit of site and program to inquiry

This thesis proposes an investigation to better understand the multi-layered history of Portland.  I would like to explore the effect of eco-districts as a chapter in the history of Portland’s ever evolving urban fabric.  I believe this is important to investigate because of the many implications that establishing an eco-district entails: governance, aesthetic, practical etc.  What kind of “place” is established by creating an eco-district and what effect does it have upon the landscape.  I propose that this thesis investigate a new building typology specifically catering to the idea of creating a central place within an eco-district that would cater to the operational needs of an eco-district as well as play a community engagement and educational role.  I am still trying to pin-point a site but I would like to focus my attention on “unusable” or difficult sites within an area for example the blank swath of land sandwiched between the Marquam Bridge & north of OHSU that is right along the river but held at bay from being connected to the rest of the area by I-5, I-405 and the Ross Island Bridge.  On a smaller scale a similar site exists across the river bounded by SE Market to the south, SE Clay to the north, SE Water Avenue to the east, the Willamette River to the west and I-5 directly overhead.

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