What do I want to discover?
I intend to investigate current theories and practices of ecological architecture in an attempt to better understand effective methods of adaptation to, and integration with, nature’s processes. I am preoccupied with the notion of how one designs a building (ultimately a static object) that reacts to ecology (an inherently dynamic system) in a meaningful and not merely representational manner. Furthermore, I am interested in how a building, and its program, can foster symbiotic interactions not just between building and site, but within a community or district as a whole. Through my research I hope to find a method of applying ecological models in exploring symbiotic interactions between buildings and landscapes.
What is my ultimate goal and how can I break it into steps?
I would like my project to reflect the pedagogy of an ecological architecture by demonstrating, through form and program, the changes in lifestyle and mentality necessary in order to actualize more sustainable modes of living. The building, the landscape it is set in, and the surrounding community should be considered an ecology, an interconnected entity reliant on the success of its independent parts.
These goals aside, I am still feeling irresolute concerning program and site. While I have ideas for programs that may lend themselves to my objectives,(wind turbine manufacturing facility, urban farm, environmental studies campus, housing) I feel as though I should let the site determine the most beneficial program given the local ecology. Conversely, I am searching for a valid reason to pick one site over another; urban vs. industrial, redevelopment vs. new structure, etc…
I think my next step is to take an experiential account of two or three sites selected off of the “Habitat Conservation Areas” map in an attempt to establish an emotional connection with a particular site. By collecting phenomenological data at each site I hope to gain insight into the potential for intervention.
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