For the community. By the community.
I have always been interested in the built environment as it relates to establishing central districts and how one space can manage to bring an entire community together by drawing people in from even the outlying areas for a common purpose. Unfortunately, today, this generally means mass consumption of goods. Most community gathering spaces entice community members with the common purpose of purchasing goods. With the current environmental issues, it is clear that basing community gathering spaces consumption of mostly imported goods is not a sustainable model of infrastructure. Community gathering spaces and central nodes are critical to a successful city, what I tend to wonder is: Is it necessary for them to be centered around consumption? I would like to explore what building programs could replace the current model of shopping centers as community hubs.
I would like to discover what program elements are necessary to create a successful community gathering space on the South waterfront of the Willamette River. Currently the entire South Waterfront is a proposed Ecodistrict and Urban Renewal Project. With the current proposals the site on the south side of the Marquam Bridge would be surrounded by housing and employment offices, with proposed public transportation and pedestrian pathways leading into to it. Being a waterfront property, it is not only provided with distinctive connections with the river, but also the proposed South Waterfront Greenway would provide exceptional opportunities for outdoor connections to the river and the natural environment
I would like to develop a program that meets the needs of a community gathering space without being strongly dependent on consumerism, while being congruent with the natural environment as well as the built environment surrounding the site. I will start with the current Urban Renewal plans for the area as a base by which I can analyze site conditions and their influence on the amenities and detriments to the site. While considering the key issue of how the building will address the unique issues of this site. I will explore the ways in which the site allows opportunities for the building to act as a catalyst for the urban fabric of Portland and the nature of the Willamette River that intersects it. Next I will need to glean from research and observation what are the necessary components of a community gathering space? and how can I incorporate these components into one program? Next I will move in to program development. My initial thought is a museum showcasing local art in all forms: music, clothing, film, graphic design, etc. The idea being, for the community, by the community. By the end of the term, I hope to have a clear picture of the site and the implications of its surroundings as well as a building program that addresses the issues of the site as well as the social framework of a community gathering space.
At this point, I need to be sure of my site decision and make sure my intentions are clear and concise enough to move forward throughout the year.
I am curious about the eco-districtIs proposed for the south waterfront. Are you interested in pursuing the eco-district model? Have you looked into what the zoning restrictions/opportunities are? This may help you get an idea of possible programs. Also, what do you when you say you want to avoid consumerism? Are you speaking about upscale Pearl District-like developments geared toward the upper and upper-middle class? It may be helpful to get an idea of who is living in and around the South Waterfront to get an idea for what types of community outreach they may need or want.
Also, here is a link to the Willamette Greenway Plan, which has info about land use and green-ways along the river, and a link to the South River Plan. This may have some useful information (if you are not already aware of it)