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Inception I

My interests are always involved with buildings providing space to influence and educate people. An exhibition area is very essential to offer a platform for interacting in my point of view. When refers to architecture, what I want to focus on is museums for art and design, as well as the functions to serve the citizen life,  local art and design, and also provide workshop space to do research and design related activities.

After the 1st discussion about this bio-synergies thesis studio, I think I will turn to China site. As I have stated,  China has a big issue of losing its urban context and history, as well as its traditional culture. But what I am trying to do is not restoring our thousands of history. Instead, I want to ask people to inquiry about their current life, to re-recognize their worshipful characters in the past especially for the younger generation that was born during as early as 1980s’. Are they satisfied with their daily life now?  To me, it is definitely no. It is seems the new era after China re-opened its diplomatic policies has became a consuming era instead of producing era. Chinese are consuming quickly what the society produces, but with little aware of what we should contribute to our motherland. That might be one reason we are losing our natural resources too.

What I want to discover is a place where I could integrate the natural landscape at least local landscape features to educate people about art ideas. The art ideas are not necessarily applicable to viewers’ personal life. The more important part of the idea is to create space experience for people that nature and artifacts are blended in, so it would recall people’s passion and critical thoughts about social life and individual life. It should be a place people get inspired and start to re-consider about themselves and their surroundings instead of a place they will forget very soon.

The whole process will be a theoretical process which directs towards to final project, not in a emotional way. It might go wild or very conservative. Hopefully it is not the last one.  The project should come from the local urban context and morphology, or something makes sense to the city.

About the time line, the site context and local urbanization process should be the first thing to look into. The technique methods need to be able to used proficiently. Modeling would be another key points for the whole project too. The final site will be decided in a specific location in China soon.

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