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Janine Benyus – Ted Talk

I’ve seen this one before but I thought I should take notes this time:

12 Big Ideas from Biology

1. Self Assembly

2. C02 as a feedstock

3. Solar Transformation

4. The power of Shape (color with out pigment, shape to increase efficiency, shape for self cleaning – Lotusan,)

5. Quenching Thirst – pulling water out of fog & air

6. Metals without Mining – filters that mine waste streams for metals

7. Green Chemistry – replace industrial with natural

8. Timed Degradation

9. Resliliance & Healing

10. Sensing & Responding

11.Growing Fertility – grow the capacity of this planet to create more opportunities for life – in ensamble thats what whole ecosystems do, they create more opportunities for life, farming, ranching, waste water treatment based on a marsh etc.

12.  Life creates conditions conducive to life – it builds soil it, it cleans air, it cleans water, it mixes the cocktail of gases that you and I need to live.

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