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Vibrant Native Variant Reuse

Through the exploration of the connectivity between nature and architecture I aim to discover how to bring awareness of climate and social problems to the myriad of subcultures living in the Southeast district of Portland.

My intention for this project is to reuse an existing site in the Southeast Industrial District. The old Templeton building is in a promisingly public location which opens out onto Burnside bridge: currently sitting unused and up for sale. In reusing this building, I intend to design a space for the people on the street in this area while avoiding the problem of gentrification. The large bike and skate subculture, the workers, the young creative types. The main goal is to create a mixed use space. Part will speak to the food cart culture, part will speak to the creative culture, part will speak to the need for increased awareness about ecological issues.

The first steps and critical decisions in order to accomplish this goal involve settling on the most appropriate site, analyzing the user group, mapping similar functions in the area, and finally bringing all this information together to come up with the most successful program for the site and vision.

I hope to accomplish the goal of creating a project which simultaneously enhances the emerging vibrant subcultures in the area while increasing those subcultures’ collective drive to create a better environment for themselves and be active in teaching others.

I will be aware of the project’s success if, upon brainstorming concrete ideas about function and purpose, I feel personally moved and wish to see the project realized. A simultaneously unique and useful function and vision will be a measure of success, especially in an ecologically mindful and creatively rebellious city like Portland, Oregon.

By the start of next semester, I would like to have a concrete idea to fit with the site. At this point, I have all but settled on a site and believe it to have a great amount of potential. I also believe that my simultaneous desires to increase ecological awareness, create an artistically and intellectually stimulating space for the locals, and continue the cultural and urban fabric are desires that are extremely viable in this particular area. However, by the end of the semester I must have a moving program catered to the most appropriate user group. A group which will have the most affect on these issues which will dominate society as a whole in the future.

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