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Thesis Prep Week 1

First visiting Portland, Oregon in 2006 I was quickly captivated by the sophisticated network of Public Transportation this city has to offer.  Upon graduating from the University of New Mexico (B.A.A) I relocated to Portland in hopes to alleviate my terrible addiction to the automobile.  Throughout my graduate studies I have spent a great deal of time studying Light Rail Transit and the catalytic capabilities it possesses.  I am starting to discover that I am more interested these days in shaping exterior spaces rather than the interiors typically found within built projects.  Organization and Coordination of Urban fabric has become a stimulating subject matter since attending the University of Oregon Portland Architecture Program. 
Todays input was very thought provoking.  Hearing others discuss their thesis proposal ideas has been an excellent tool in examining my own work.  Right now I have this overwhelming feeling like I am trying to conquer the whole world , (well Portland) one Light Rail Alignment at a time.  Im looking forward to working with my thesis professors as well as fellow classmates in refining my focus for my thesis project.
Above are the beginnings of my thesis proposal. Enjoy.

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