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Hcard, Vcard

Clean and simple but not the information I wanted to display!

Clean and simple but not the information I wanted to display!New role, new photo

New photo for a new role

New photo for a new role

I’m playing with how I present myself on email.  My Thunderbird email program automatically created a vcard (virtual business card) for me, but I didn’t really like the appearance.  I edited it in a text editor, saved it as .VCF format.  For now, I’ve created a simple garish webpage with an Hcard that has a little icon so you can download my information. 

I’m puzzled how to allow people to download my information without making a big spam invitation.  Yikes.  At the moment my online vcard is a bit disfunctional because it gives my email as “nywc at uoregon dot edu” Since most of the  robo-spammers can get past that one, I don’t know if it makes any sense to make the real people frustrated.

So as usual – caught between the convenience of the ugly card and spending endless hours figuring out the customization.  With just a little bit more time, I’m sure I can figure out how to make the corners of the boxes rounded

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