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Honors College, Blogs for Education

I am very excited about helping the Honors College incorporate WordPress or other tools to support incoming freshmen discussing Tracy Kidder’s Mountains Beyond Mountains. Like my nephew and nieces, Alex Goodell was greatly inspired by Paul Farmer’s work. He has initiated an the summer reading program & dialogue via his blog post. As an avid WordPress blogger and Twitterati member, he has found contacts so he will travel to Ghana this summer. Louise Bishop, acting dean of the Honors College is envisioning that the students could use blogs to support development towards the Senior Thesis. I would be really psyched if we could get these students to model reflective learning for the rest of the campus.

The Chronicle of Higher Ed describes using Blogs for education, including a video from University of Mary Washington.
Article: Colleges Consider Using Blogs Instead of Blackboard
Video: Can Web Tools Replace Blackboard?

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