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How can the constructed environment work more harmoniously with natural forces? Students in this Advanced Architectural Design studio at the University of Oregon’s Portland are exploring individual questions around this theme. Each student has defined a site and program to investigate BioSynergies at both the Macro urban scale and the Micro material scale. Students have been asked to document and reflect on work-in-progress as well as share relevant research. See the 585f10_course_desc and the Fall’10 and Winter’11 syllabi for more information.

Mycelium Genus Diagrams

Just finished up some diagrams with more detailed information about mycelium:

This one gives a detailed description of different mycelium genus’, what types of habitats and temperature range they are found in, chemicals and heavy metals they can accumulate or break down, what microbes they can inhibit, and what types of medical properties they have. It still has some information that needs to be put into it but it’s a good start.


this is a diagram of the evolution of life from multi-cellular life forms to the rise of homosapien. the bars are scaled relative to the age, mycelium is in green, and the red lines are extinction events… unless I printed this on a billboard we are an invisible dot in that graph.

this one shows the most recently developed method of categorizing life according to the International Society of Protistologists (from 2005). According to this classification we are in the same Kingdom as fungi.

BioSynergies thesis 2011 2011-06-14 16:36:22


Time and Places 2011-06-13 12:29:59

plans fixed

backup heating fixed


A walkthrough of my project

This is the second video in the two part series I created about my project. In this video I explain my project starting with the urban revitalization strategy and ending with specifics views and components of the building. I’m hoping to upload some more videos in the near future describing some Illustrator and Photoshop tips and techniques that could help improve the quality of your renderings and save you some time in generating realistic photo touch-up effects. Enjoy!

Project Explanation



An Introduction to Mycelium

This is my first video in a two part series. The first video focuses on what led me to discover the research conducted around mycelium, what mycelium is, and its potential benefits to us. enjoy!

An Introduction into the topic of mycelium


Last but not least – the final requirement for this term Thesis Video

video representation

Narrated Slideshow of the key points of my thesis project.Buckman Market

Terminal Video

Here is the video.


Thesis Video