assignment.04 | Arduino

My components are ordered and are expected to arrive on Friday by the end of the day, so I thought I should take a stab at writing the Arduino sketch to control my luminaire. Having experience in both Processing and Arduino definitely helped me with this sketch as I do not yet have the hardware to test it with, I know it will need tweaking especially the delay and the number of steps, but I think I am at a good point with it for now until I can actually test it. All I have to do now is think of the actual guts of the lamp, and rethinking the overlap between the panels. I would like to light the lamp with an LED array of some sort because I could power it off of my Arduino, but I do not know if it will work correctly as LEDs tend to be pretty tight in their beam spread. I also need to figure out how I am going to get power to this lamp. Right now the Arduino runs off of a 9v source and the stepper motor off of a 12v source. Hence the reason I would like to use LEDs. Another idea I had for control would be to write into the code for the lamp to turn off at a certain time, but seeing as it won’t be attached to a computer I cannot determine the current time on the Arduino itself (without the implementation of another chip which I forgot to purchase). So my current solution to all of those problems is to get a long power strip (because they are legal in our building) and plug everything into the power strip within the luminaire itself.

Thoughts and problems that have yet to be resolved with very little time left…!

//Controlling a stepper motor with a PIR motion sensor.
//Written by Geoff Sosebee with example code from:
//Dan Thompson @  and
//TigPT @

int dirPin = 2;
int stepperPin = 3;
int numSteps = 1600;
int timer = 500;
int PIRalarmPin = 0;
int PIRalarmValue = 0;
int alarmValue = 0;
int alarmValuePrevious = 0;
int ledPin = 13;

void setup() {
  pinMode(dirPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(stepperPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(PIRalarmPin, INPUT);
  delay (2000);  //delay 2 seconds for PIR to scan area

void step(boolean dir,int steps){
  for(int i=0;i<steps;i++){
    digitalWrite(stepperPin, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(stepperPin, LOW);

void loop(){
  PIRalarmValue = analogRead(PIRalarmPin);
  if (PIRalarmValue < 100) {
    alarmValue = 0;
  else {
    alarmValue = 1;
  if (alarmValue = alarmValuePrevious) {
    if (alarmValue = 0) {
      digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
      alarmValuePrevious = 0;
    else {
      digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
      Serial.println("no motion");
      alarmValuePrevious = 1;

Final Installation Proposal

Wall Screen  Proposal

I am looking at installing a screen installation at the end for the 4th floor, middle, architecture bay.  The installation would encompass the center window volume.  The hight of the installation is a question that I haven’t answered, but I currently have the idea that I would install the screen over the lower window pain and possible the upper one too.

Final Project Thoughts

My last few studies have dealt with bouncing color, but some recent experiments with other materials (primarily wood) have caused me to put that thought on hold for awhile.  I am now exploring the way light is transmitted through thin organic materials, such as wood, leaves, the body, etc…  I particularly like the warm glow that is created from back-lit wood grain, and the way in which layering the wood and adjusting the positioning of these elements can change the luminosity of the panel.

I wired my first light socket for this project too.  Within a minute after wiring it I quickly sent a small jolt of electricity through my body…I have since wrapped the leads in electrical tape!

There is more to come, surely. I like the direction that the project is heading in much more now, and some comments in class today will be helpful to bear in mind.

May 9 Agenda

I. Student Presentations

  • Jerome Alemayahu
  • Adam WIlson
  • Arpad Takacs
  • Ashley Koger
  • Erika Malpaya
  • Bob Carbaugh

II.  Discuss Mary Guzowski’s Daylighting for Sustainable Design

  • Name a key strategy for carbon neutral daylighting design.  Can you give an example of how to use this strategy?
  • How can concepts from today’s presentations or Light & Shadow project be used to make a building more energy efficient?

III.  Review Final Projects in Process

Next reading:  Olafur Eliasson Encyclopedia
See Facts > Leaf Through online preview of 100 pages and browse volume on reserve in AAA library under Cheng – Ho studio

assignment.04 | luminairePrototype

I have successfully processed and fabricated my first luminaire.  I do not want to say the design is completed, but I learned more than I can ever hope for in this mock-up.  The prototype is based on a 16″ diameter sphere which is about half as small as I am wanting, up it allowed to me to look at the individual connections and the connections at the top and bottom panels that I had been struggling with.  This will allow me to go back and tweak my definition where it needs some attention.  Attached are two videos, one of the strip assembly and the the other of the luminaire assembly.  In the end, the fabrication and construction of the luminaire took about 3 hours.  An hour of that is dedicated to laser cutting, about 90 minutes to the assembly of the strips, and thirty minutes to the actual construction of the lamp.  Those times do not include the assembly and disassembly that had to take place as forgot to include the lamp inside.

This gets me to the points that need attention…

  • Individual slots for tabs need to be taller to allow for a bit more pivot.
  • Slots at the top and bottom panel need to be wider to accept the top and bottom pieces.
  • The geometry of the top and bottom tabs needs to be redefined.
  • Proper sizing for the lamp socket needs to be accounted for (this has been implemented, I just forgot to measure the socket and guessed).
  • The connection of the top to the bottom needs to be re-thought.  Do they need to be attached?  It makes it easier to construct if they are.  How do they attach to one another?  Currently they are sewn together with spacing, but this drastically cuts down on space for the lamp and the electronics.
  • A hole for the Motion Sensor to reside in on the bottom.
  • Structure for all of the electro-goods inside.
  • Re-evaluate the squishing motion. Overlap is too great currently. Does each strip twist at the bottom or top so it does not interfere with its neighbor? Or do I use an acrylic strip inside along each strip to control the motion more?

I have also placed my order for my electronics.  I picked up a few stepper motors from Free Geek, for which I have found wiring diagrams.  To that I have purchased a Stepper Motor Driver for my Arduino, a Proto shield also for my Arduino, a few PIR Motion Sensors and some other odds and ends.  Still to come is my Arduino sketch which I hope will be pretty simple.  I have sketched it out and I think it is pretty straight forward.  I will be checking for motion underneath the lamp every 5 seconds, if their is motion the steppers will allow the lamp to extend, if their is no motion then the steppers will either contract it back up or keep it contracted, depending on its current state.  So, I basically know how to write each piece of the code, I just have to put it all together.  However, the last time I said I could do it without knowing if I could actually do it or not I spent a good 60 hours on the sketch, an amount of time I cannot afford to spend on this project as I have 3 weeks left for my Thesis.



Final Project_Shell

After being exposed to Molly Hunker’s my scope for the final project shifted. I’ve decided to create a shell like form that will be hung below a flourescent light in our studio bay. The form will slowly bulge and aggregate towards the lights center and intensity. I hope to create an affect that appears as if the light is pushing the surface out.

As for the construction I will laser cut a layout design into 3/16″ acrylic and insert 1/16″ acrylic rod. These rods will be trimmed to adhere to the contours of the shell(contours will not be visible). Hanging from the end of the rods will be “corky’s” which are a fishing supply. The corky’s are safety orange on one half which will be on the inside of the form, in order to create a glowing affect on the inside. The other half is white, but coated to glow in the dark. This will provide another dynamic when the lights are off.

Hope it works!surface_lines

The Form…

DSC_0353This past week I have developed a mold to form my pieces of acrylic.  The form was CNC  milled with an 1/8″ step over which is the width of my square acrylic rod.  Controlling the step over in this manner will allow me to use the large steps in the mold as datum lines to work with.  The next step is to bend some acrylic into it and see if this process it feasible, and find out if I get a similar instance of refraction we found in my previous tests.

assignment.04 | processDefinition

Lamp CloseUp

Recently I have been diligently working on my Grasshopper definition, trying to get it to the point where I can bake my geometry and then go directly to the laser cutter with my material.  To make a 32″ diameter lamp, I will need 16 sheets of 14″x17″ bristol, which is the material I have been using up to this point.  I think I can get the amount of sheets needed down if I can use the RhinoNest plugin.  If you have not heard of this plugin, it can save you time energy and material…RhinoNest.  However, it is not free, and the algorithm I would have to create and implement to do something similar is not a trivial matter.

I have also been refining the connections at the top and bottom of my sphere.  I am trying for a more elegant connection instead of the bulky ugly connection of my prototype.  It is not quite resolved completely as of yet, but it uses the same notching language as the connections between panels in the field of the luminaire.

One of the major problems I have been running into is how I am going to make this thing move.  I have contemplated servos, dc motors, stepper motors, solenoids, and muscle tubes and muscle wires, the problem is I do not have any of these to test with.  My goal is to make my final purchase of electronic goods by this weekend, so I will most likely be making a pro and con list to determine which will work best.  If anyone has any ideas of how I can make this work, please let me know.

Update:  Thinking about using a floppy drive stepper motor, small, cheap/free, and hackable.  Anybody have any helpful hints or experience with these?  Adam?  Alex?

Two paths towards a final project

So, I am not exactly sure what I want to do for my final project. I know it is about time to commit to one idea but there are two compelling path I can see. The first would be to push forward with the cardboard. This is probably what I will end up doing because given the experiments I’ve done I think the results would be fairly interesting, and there is still some room to experiment and learn through making. If I following through with this approach my goal will be to create a light filled sculpture. The dimensions would be roughly 4-5 ft high by 3 ft diameter. I would also play with how this object is lit. The sculpture/installation would be put near my studio space on the 5th floor.

However, the second path I could take would directly involve my studio project. I have been working to create a structure system for my design which would also work as a light modulator. Regardless of whether I directly integrate the projects I am going to be spending a lot of time on this system, so in some regards it does make sense to just commit to merging the two classes. I have been using grasshopper and rhino to develop these systems. Our next formal studio review is on wednesday of next week, so I think I am just going to try to push my studio design/system as much as possible for now – get some feedback and then see if the classes/projects are moving closer together or further apart.

Path 1:

circle coral 2circle coral 1

Path 2:

eight panel 1space panel 1

Final Project Progress

Progress this week has been in purchasing materials and developing my light source.  I had discovered earlier that the transparent cylinder effect I was hoping to further explore needed a powerful light source.  I was not able to re-create the same effects with a regular bulb or light.  So, attempted to make a parabolic reflector as to build a similar light source as my flashlight.  This reflector also needed to work with the rotation of my fixture.  Because of this rotation, I needed a 2D reflector instead of a 3D.  I found an template for the curvature of the reflector and used an LED light.  I experimented with different positions of the light, reflector and cylinder and was not satisfied with any of the results.

Reflector Photo

So, my next step is to take the concepts of my earlier studies and re-interpret them for the lantern portion of my fixture.  I would like to continue to work with LEDs and would like to mount them on the perimeter.  This will allow the shading part of my fixture to rotate (versus the light rotating on the earlier version).

I’ve also elevated my candles to address the fire hazard concern.  I understand that working with candles and flammable materials needs precaution.   However, the heat from the candles is the driving the rotation of this fixture and would not be the same without them.  This project may be more appropriate to view in video format for safety reasons.

3D 1
3D 2