inspiration presentation





These are the slides from my presentations. The Graffiti Research Lab slides are linked to their website, and the projects directly from eyebeam are linked to the eyebeam parent website. There are dozens and dozens of great projects from both organizations, so if you are interested in new media and art you should check it out.

In all of these cases the process is clearly driven in part by technology. More specifically they all seem to deal with the interaction between physical objects digital information in various ways. Some seem to be driven primarily by the technology itself – such as the LED throwies while others have a clear goal and then set out using technology in order to achieve it – such as the eye writer. In all of the GRL projects the process always seems to build on itself. Discoveries from one project often play into the next allowing relatively simple but novel discoveries to become more complex. However, I do not think that their process is always quite this linear. Some of the timelines suggest that relatively complex projects came before seemingly simpler ones – so perhaps they sometime go back and just isolate a single idea from an earlier more complex project. Prototyping and collaboration are important aspects to all of these projects. They all come from very open studio environments with a culture of ‘making’. Also open sourcing and instructional information accompanies many of the projects so the process of discovery and sharing is as important as the products.