Final Project: Additional Bibliography

Works Cited

Hensel, Michael, Achim Menges, and Michael Weinstock. Emergent Technologies and Design. Oxon, [U.K.: Routledge, 2010. Print.

This book shows how generative design could be used to create interesting building facades. This book could be used to inform how each of my shading panels could be interact and create a dynamic facade.

Iwamoto, Lisa. Digital Fabrications: Architectural and Material Techniques. New York: Princeton Architectural, 2009. Print.

This book consists of exhibitions which use computational tools to produce physical material. Much of the work involves producing small prototypes, which when combined, create the final presentation. This is similar to my final project.

Vyzoviti, Sophia. Folding Architecture: Spatial, Structural and Organizational Diagrams. Amsterdam: BIS, 2007. Print.

This book shows how different folding techniques are used to create a variety of spaces. For example, bends created different lighting conditions than creases. The book also has examples of the Miura Ori folding pattern.

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