Inspiration Presentation_Erick van Egeraat

The work of Erick van Egeraat has intrigued my imagination since the beginning of my architectural studies.  After having the opportunity to visit one of his more unique buildings, that encompass his design philosophy, I wanted to learn more of his process and projects.

Erick van Egeraat and his architecture firm’s recent success in mostly Eastern Europe and Russian can be contributed to his unique design philosophy and his specific vision that is demonstrated differently in each of his projects.  Erick van Egeraat strives to create and bring out the identity of each site through his projects not in a literal traditional sense, but rather relying on one’s sense for intuitive sensual qualities of delight and the sense for aesthetic.  His architecture takes inspiration from fashion and he believes architecture, as it always has, should be a true representation of its time.  Of course his interpretations may be subjective and his projects are in fact often controversial, he has won numerous design awards internationally.  In his own words, he describes his architecture as “both/and not either/or.  Some call his style in a way a “Modern Baroque� as it relies heavily on the senses and is highly ornate and intricate tectonically, but using a modern language of abstraction. 

In numerous projects showcased in my inspiration study, Erick van Egeraat’s continued attempts to abstract large building facades and break down the conventional look of building elevations has been my main focus of interest.  There is a certain level of complexity and repetition, which is hardly recognized making each building piece feel unique, but part of a large composition that evoke the senses.  Experiencing his ING Head Office in Budapest has given me another level of insight in understanding his philosophies through his work.   


 Egeraat, E. V. “Designed by Erick van Egeraat”. 2011. May 7. <>

Egeraat, E. V. (2005). Erick van Egeraat Associate ARchtiects: 10 years realized works. Mulgrave: Images Publishing.