Towards a Final Project pt. 2

So after creating another prototype I was really unhappy with the seam.  Using the heavy vellum paper it is really visible and messy to deal with.  This is something I’ve been dealing with on all my models and I’m afraid that once I bump up the scale the seam is going to be really really ugly.  So I think i’ve come up with a solution.  After studying and thinking about the Chihuly chandelier and the idea that it looks like it’s spiraling, I thought what if I made mine out of a continuous strip of paper that spirals?  This completely eliminates seams except where I have to join the strips together, but they wouldn’t have to overlap and distract from the form.  I think by using this construction method I will be more successful in creating a really sculptural piece.

Strips of paper folded and cut using the same form.  I didn't want to cut the whole thing just yet since I have to make time for studio too...

Strips of paper folded and cut using the same form. I didn’t want to cut the whole thing just yet since I have to make time for studio too…

To give an idea of the final form without the cuts.  Already shows interesting shadows casting on the material.

To give an idea of the final form without the cuts. Already shows interesting shadows casting on the material.

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