Final Project Continued

final test3final test2final test1night try7 reduced

My path towards my final project is quite clear now, though I still have quite a bit of testing and making to do!

After my studio midterms it seems clear to me that I am better off pursuing my final light and shadow  project and my studio project separately. I have continued to explore pattern making with cardboard, and plan to develop panels which will pop into the mullions of the windows on the 5th floor. To date I have been experimenting with the south wall and trying to see the test pattern under different conditions. I would also like to look at the west wall before Monday, though they could be moved to either at any rate since it is the same module. I am going to try to get 12 panels for an installation finished for Monday. Over the last week I have been playing with various notching patterns I can use so that I do not have to use glue on the final project. This has lead me down a slightly different road in terms of patterning. The patterns are beginning to look more like weaving, than pattern of natural formation. I like this new development and plan for the installation to take on the quality of a quilt. I am still deciding whether the ‘quilt’ will be a single pattern which gets slightly altered in depth, orientation, or in its relationship with the trace pattern – or if the ‘quilt’ will be patterned using a couple of different weaves. I am going to try to put in a solid block of work this evening – and then take a look in the morning and make some final decisions. Here are a few pixs of work in progress and one of the parametric model for my studio project.

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