Post Work in Progress + Reflective Writing

So far in my progression towards a finalized final project I have planned out two installation ideas on paper. One including a light modulator that would shape space around a working cubical such as a studio desk while also being functional. After careful thought and deliberation towards the reality of the project I went with the second plan to create a window screen that would panelize light and shadow through a series of chambers. The chambers would also have a undulating surface on the interior space that would enhance the character the space as an art piece. Using sketch up I modeled a mesh and dissected it into its parts in order to create a scaled down version of the test installation. The scaled down installation in a window opening proved successful but, had a much more dramatic effect of pixilation diffused shadow on the exterior treatment that was applied with a semi opaque material. I explored the possibility of this option by reversing the undulating texture to have direct contact with the semi-opaque material and face it on the interior finish opposite of the light source modulating the shadow. The results were remarkable. Even though the undulating surface was layered with a flat surface its dimensionality still was presence and add an almost glowing presence that will be explored further. Next step is to make the 3d surfaces much more dramatic including even more play in color.

Scaled installation seperated.

Screen From in original form.

Undulating Screen Reversed

Screen through natural light

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