The images above show the first prototypes for the screen pattern that will either be installed as window panels or create a lamp shade (as shown in the sketches). As a light and shadow strategy the window panels would screen direct southern light while casting the pixelated pattern into the room. The typical studio window module grid is a 4×4 layout of roughly 17 1/2″ x 13 1/4″ panes. Perhaps taking advantage of this grid system may offer additional parameters for the screen panels to follow in order to add another level of complexity to the ordered pattern.
The other option I am looking at exploring is a lamp shade using 3-4 of the same modules (I imagine roughly 16″x8″ dims) of the pixelation screen. Interior lighting would highlight the panels themselves while casting a shadows 360 degrees in an interior space. I am evaluating my options regarding the arrangement of the panel screens into either a square or a triangle in plan. I hypothesize that the triangular arrangement would yield a larger variety of shadow tones and different levels of focus since the light source is set at different distances relative to the screens around it. A square arrangement would probably yield a more ordered shadow in each direction unless the source is not directly in the center. This week I am developing prototypes to test the variety of possibilities.
Also, as an ongoing effort, I am researching and continuing with the development of the screen patterns while still keeping in mind the original design. The prototypes above came out a little bulky, I will likely adjust the dimensions of the pixels in order to get a better scale and finer grain. I am expediting the process by focusing on laser cutting the openings the pattern creates versus building and constructing the physical pieces of the screen from many parts. I believe the final result is very similar, but this method allows faster prototyping studies that guide my decisions.