Final Project: Two steps foward, One Giant Step back

So, Ive been experimenting with Muira Ori folding patterns that can be actuated with a nitinol actuator.  I finally recieved the nitinol today and had some bad news.  The nitinol is not performing like I hoped.  I need to figure out another way to actuate the facade pattern.  Perhaps adweenos…

Update:  The more I think about this problem, the bigger the wall Im finding I have to climb.  It might be time for plan B.  My original plan was to use flexible resin and nitinol to creating a folding or rolling facade treatment for buildings.  I was looking at the folding patterns of leaves and flowers to provide inspiration.  Plan B involves looking into the cellular structure of flower petals to see how they bounce color and light.  I still plan on using flexible resin in a CNC mold to create this effect.  I want to experiment with placing different substrates and cavities into the mold that can exaggerate the effects of light.

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