Peer Review


I thought your solar studies were interesting and it was a good idea to utilize a digital program. This allows you to set up a set of constants for lighting conditions which could be very useful as you proceed to study different screen designs. I thought some of the most interesting aspects of your video were when the shadows hit multiple surfaces like the stair case. Some things I think could be improved upon are the clarity and intensity of the screen design. The shadows were very subtle and it was hard to clearly make out your intended design. A diagram of the screen could also assist in understanding your intentions, or a simple rendering of the shading device so we can understand its construction.

As we discussed in class, if your going to continue a digital exploration it could get very difficult to translate that into the physical world. So it might be better to choose one or the other. Weve discussed your progress to date and it seems your moving towards a physical fabrication using extruded acrylic rods. A good referance for this would be an installation in Athens, Greece done by Howeler & Yoon called “White Light, White Noise.” Keep up the good work, HIGH FIVE!

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