Changing Light

Oringal Study Model

Oringal Study Model

This video demonstrates the study of light in motion through an installation designed through the use of digital fabrication. The study began with a rough mesh model constructed within one of my original light box experiment. I wanted to replicate a surface similar to a cave and see how a semi translucent material such as the metal mesh would help define the space while allowing light to enter.
After seeing automated scripts in modeling/vector based programs and their ability to create generative models I wanted to explore this type of media. the study began with the question of how can I digitally recreate the cave-like surface through digital fabrication. In this case I wanted to implement the laser cutter to fabricate the peices. I started by using Paracloud that creates generative design models by setting parameters around an already made surface from another program such as Sketchup. The results were promising but I was unable to export the model. Using Sketchup I was able to create a surface close to what I was looking for. Creating intersecting planes that were radial helped define openings through the surface that would allow indirect light while creating modulating surfaces that were defined by the shape of the interior face. The video also demonstrates the modulating effect that occurs when objects pass along the outer surface of the installation.


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