LightNShadow Course: 1st Day Explorations

1st days shadow explorations…

I kept getting these “insect-like” shadows by accident, however after discovering the initial similarities it was easy to manipulate the shadows to my liking.  It is strange and surprising to see who different the shadow results are when looking at the actual light modulators.  Out of the four studies perhaps one (the “abstract Rose” produced an expected result.  This is encouraging from a discovery point of view.  This seems to suggest that perhaps with more and more experiments one can learn to control these outcomes with more precision, however leaving room for accidental discoveries is highly desired and adds fun to the process.

After the intial studies and seeing other students’ experiments I was entrigued and encouraged to build more modulators of my own utilizing a variety of different techniques and materials.  The shadow screens for Assignment 01 pose several options and challenges as both the aesthetics of the shadow and the screen itself has to be considered.

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