In the readings I found it very useful for formulating concepts from the site and how simple ideas can also become very complex. Nakijin Community center has simple rigid structure that is almost overtaken by the plants that grow on its roof. The plan reveals just how structured building becomes underneath its roof at the same time maintaining a complex program that is related to their ideas to space. Though the structural grid is strict because of their treatment of how they consider the balance between open, enclosed, and semi-enclosed space they are able to create spatial qualities that vary throughout the entire structure. The same concept of the balance between open and enclosed space follows throughout their other projects and fits very well with Nago City Hall as it provides a strong relation to their ideas of Governmental Buildings. These buildings exist because of the people and it is an important function that the public has domain within its structure the way that Nago City Hall incorporates the open spaces in the form of Asagi Terrace. In my opinion, these spaces within the building provide the citizens with the sense of transparency with theĀ government which is one is very revealing to what architecture can do politically.