The below spreads are the cover of the ISTE Conference’s Raffle Book, where attendees are given a book containing raffle tickets for the Exhibits featuring raffle prizes. InDesign and Illustrator, 2023.


The below pages feature the demographic data of the event, visualized in a demographics snapshot. InDesign, 2023.


The below pages are portions of the conference’s Service Manual Guide, which is distributed to exhibitors before the event. This illustrates the rules and regulations they should follow, as well as contact information and other resources. InDesign, 2023.


The below page is a guest ticket that was designed for the event. Illustrator, 2023.



The below pages are a demographic screenshot for the upcoming event in 2024, using data from the ISTELive 2023 Conference. Thus, the client provided a different branding guide to differentiate between years. InDesign, 2023.