
About Marcel Duchamp

Marcel Duchamp in 1919 took a reproduction postcard of the Mona Lisa and drew a mustache and goatee on it with pencil. This was part of his “ready-made” movement in connection with DaDa. [1]

Link to article about the connection of making Mona Lisa into a boy, while it is thought Mona Lisa was modeled after da Vinci himself.

“The title riffs on the French pronunciation of the letters, “Elle a chaud au cul,” which roughly translates as “She has a hot ass.” Rather than transmuting an ordinary, manufactured object into a work of art, as in the bulk of his readymades, in L.H.O.O.Q Duchamp starts with the representation of an iconic masterpiece that he takes down from its pedestal by playfully debunking it. In endowing the Mona Lisa with masculine attributes, he alludes to Leonardo’s purported homosexuality and gestures at the androgynous nature of creativity. Duchamp is clearly concerned here with gender role-reversals, which later come to the fore in Man Ray’s portraits of the artist dressed as his female alter ego, Rrose Selavy.”

Collotype – Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam [2]

The Pieces

Leonardo da Vinci: Mona Lisa


Marcel Duchamp: LHOOQ


Leonardo da Vinci’s Support Personel:

Workers in Leonardo’s Studio

Maker of paint

Maker of paint brushers

Maker of canvas

Maker of gesso

Marcel Duchamp’s Support Personel:

Workers in Leonardo’s Studio

Maker of paint

Maker of paint brushers

Maker of canvas

Maker of gesso

Leonardo Da Vinci

Postcard reproduction company

Pencil maker


Works Cited

[1] LaFarge, Antoinette. “The Bearded Lady and the Shaven Man: Mona Lisa, Meet” Mona/Leo”” Leonardo 29, no. 5 (1996): 379-83. doi:10.2307/1576403.

[2] http://www.theartstory.org/artist-duchamp-marcel-artworks.htm

[3] http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/09/24/19/0DC0A5F000000578-0-Experts_believe_th

[4] https://www.nga.gov/images/decor/dadainfo-fs1.jpg