Food For Thought

I personally believe that food in itself is a form of art; because just as there are many types of art in the world there are also many types of food, made with a variety of ingredients. The only difference is that food can’t be appreciated for as long as art due to its expiring nature and its quick rate of consumption. But food for sure is a unique style of art, from its appearance to its delicate unique tastes. Even its preparation can be seen artistic, as there are many ways and styles one can prepare a certain dish, and that process in itself is enjoyable to watch.

Food, just like art, can evoke a visual sense of pleasure for the consumer. Dissanayake would label this as aesthetics, as the 18th century thinks would turn their attention towards “elucidating principles such as taste and beauty that govern all the arts and indeed make them not simply paintings of statues but examples of fine art” (Dissanayake 17). Food is for sure a more realistic form of art, as it obviously more hands on. However, just as there are art requires a lot of skill and being precise, there are highly skilled chefs that use certain techniques and styles in making their items. I love that food has so many styles and flavors that you can mess with. Whenever I have the time, I love to cook for myself. I usually make different cultures of food, from Thai to Indian to Mexican. For Thai for example, I mix yellow curry with peanut butter to create this crunchy but very delectable taste, and it tastes amazing with rice or noodles. In that sense I would consider myself as an artist, as I love to experiment different seasonings and ingredients with different styles of food in order to create an optimal unique item that I can staple as my own. Dissanayake states that “art is of supreme value and a source for heightened personal experience”, (Dissanayake 22) and I beyond agree with this statement. Experimentation is a key factor in creating new styles of art, and I feel very joyful in my creations just as other artists would as well with their work of art.

One thought on “Food For Thought

  1. says:

    Hi, I agree with you that food is a special form of art. As you said, food can evoke visual pleasure to people and Dissanayake label is as aesthetics. Meanwhile, Telfer also proposes the similar argument. She introduces that the definition of an artwork is “a thing intended or used wholly or largely for aesthetic consideration”, and then she points out that “many meals are intended by their cooks to be considered largely in this way- to be savored, appraised, thought about, discussed-and many eaters consider them in this way” (14). I also like to cook food when I stay at home. When I cook food, I will pay attention the color matching, which means I like to make my dish to include obviously different colors. Therefore, I think cooking is really could be seen as a process of creating art, and the food is cooker’s artwork.

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