Khuda ke Piyares: Finding Faith and Community in Local Shrines in Urban Pakistan (in progress)
Countering Violent Extremism in Pakistan: Local Actions, Local Voices Oxford University Press, 2020
- Raza Rumi interview with Professor Weiss about conducting research for her book, March 7, 2019, is here
- Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE) Webinar and book launch, held February 15, 2021, with Saba Gul Khattak, Yaqoob Khan Bangash and Raza Rumi, link is here
- CAPS Webinar at the UO May 3, 2021, with John Esposito, Farahnaz Ispahani and Raza Rumi link to recording is here
*Interview with Qaisar Abbas in The News on Sunday on 16 January 2022 about the process of writing the book is here
Interpreting Islam, Modernity and Women’s Rights in Pakistan Palgrave Macmillan, 2014; South Asian edition by Orient BlackSwan, New Delhi, 2015
- See video from Rockefeller Center in Bellagio, discussing the book manuscript
- Interview with Sher Ali Tareen on New Books in Islamic Studies series, January 2016
Co-editor (with Arjun Guneratne) and contributor Pathways to Power: the Domestic Politics of South Asia Rowman & Littlefield, 2014; South Asian edition by Orient BlackSwan, New Delhi, 2014
Co-Editor (with Saba Gul Khattak) and contributor Development Challenges confronting Pakistan Kumarian Press, 2013; South Asian edition by Viva Books, New Delhi, 2013
Co-editor (with Zulfiqar Gilani) and contributor Power and Civil Society in Pakistan Oxford University Press, 2001
Walls Within Walls: Life Histories of Working Women in the Old City of Lahore Westview Press, 1992; Republished in Pakistan by Pak Books, 1992; republished by Oxford University Press with a new Preface, 2002
Culture, Class and Development in Pakistan: The Emergence of an Industrial Bourgeoisie in Punjab Westview Press, 1991; Republished in Pakistan by Vanguard Press, 1991
Editor and contributor Islamic Reassertion in Pakistan: The Application of Islamic Laws in a Modern State Syracuse University Press, November 1986; Republished in Pakistan by Vanguard Press, 1987.
Articles/Book Chapters
*”The State’s Changing Visions of Women’s Rights in Pakistan” in Aparna Pande (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Pakistan, 2nd Edition (in progress)
*“Changing the Tune: How Pakistanis unite around Music at the Grassroots s to Counter Violent Extremism,” The Friday Times, March 3, 2022.
*“Local Actions, Local Voices: How Pakistanis are Working to Build New Educational Paradigms at the Grassroots” The Friday Times, February 25, 2022.
*“Local Actions, Local Voices: How Pakistanis have been Joining Hands to Counter Violence and Extremism at the Grassroots” The Friday Times, February 20, 2022.
*“Mobilizing to Counter Violent Extremism in Pakistan: Innovative Undertakings of Non-State Actors” in Imran Ahmed, Zahid Shahab Ahmed, Howard Brasted, and Shahram Akbarzadeh (eds.) Religion, Extremism and Violence in South Asia Palgrave Macmillan, March 2022, pp. 165-184
*Book Review: ‘Nafisa Shah Honor Unmasked: Gender Violence, Law and Power in Pakistan Karachi: Oxford University Press, 2016’ Journal of Asian Studies Volume 76, No. 4, 2018
*“Competing Visions of Women’s Rights in Pakistan: State, Civil Society & Islamist groups” in Aparna Pande (ed.) Routledge Handbook on Contemporary Pakistan Routledge, 2017, pp. 351-365
*“Who’s Afraid of Women” Herald Newsmagazine, Karachi, April 2017
*Book Review: ‘Christophe Jaffrelot The Pakistan Paradox: Instability and Resilience trans. Cynthia Schoch. London: Hurst & Co., 2015’ Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 75, No. 4, November 2016, pp. 1154-1156
* Interview (of me) “Pakistan’s Social Realities lag behind Legal Advances for Women’s Rights” World Politics Review August 4, 2016
*“Can Civil Society Tame Violent Extremism in Pakistan?” Current History: a Journal of Contemporary World Affairs Vol. 115, No. 780, April 2016, pp. 144-149.
*“The Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal (MMA)” in Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Politics Oxford University Press (in progress; my entry completed)
*“Surviving in Pakistan’s Cities: A Complex Web of Challenges and Alternatives” Arena Journal No. 41/42, 2013-14, pp. 260-277
*“Women and Social Reform: Social Reform in South Asia” and “Women’s Action Forum” in Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World Oxford University Press, 2nd edition, 2009; 3rd edition 2013
*“Women in South Asia” in Adil Najam and Moeed Yusuf and (eds.) South Asia 2060: Envisioning Regional Futures Anthem Press, 2013, pp. 277-283.
*“Crisis and Reconciliation in Swat through the Eyes of Women” in Magnus Marsden & Ben Hopkins (eds .) Beyond Swat: History, Society and Economy along the Afghanistan/Pakistan Frontier Hurst & Co., Columbia University Press, 2012, pp. 179-192
*—–and Muhammed Aurang Zeb Mughal “Pakistan” in Louis Kotzé , Stephen Morse, and Irina Krasnova (eds.), The Encyclopedia of Sustainability:Vol. 9. Afro-Eurasia: Assessing Sustainability Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing, 2012: 236-240.
*“Society” in Ayesha Jalal (ed.) The Oxford Companion to Pakistani History Oxford University Press, 2012, pp. 494-495
*“Population Growth, Urbanization and Female Literacy” in Stephen P. Cohen and others The Future of Pakistan Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2011, pp. 236-248
*“Within the Walls: Home-based Work in Lahore” in Sadaf Ahmad (ed.) Pakistani Women: Multiple Locations and Competing Narratives Oxford University Press, 2010, pp. 12-24
*“Islamic Influence on Sociolegal Conditions of Pakistani Women” reprinted in Magnus Marsden (ed.) Islam and Society in Pakistan: Anthropological Perspectives Oxford University Press, 2010, pp. 52-75
*“Straddling CEDAW and the MMA: Conflicting Visions of Women’s Rights in Contemporary Pakistan” in Kenneth Cumo and Manisha Desai (eds.) Family, Gender and Law in a Globalizing Middle East and South Asia Syracuse University Press, 2009, pp. 163-183
*“Women and Social Reform: Social Reform in South Asia” and “Women’s Action Forum” in Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World Oxford University Press, 2nd edition, 2009
*“Women’s Rights in Pakistan” Viewpoints: Islamization of Pakistan 1979-2009 Online publication of the Pakistan Studies Center, Middle East Institute, February 2009
*“Questioning Women’s Rights in Pakistan: Finding Common Ground” in Mussarrat Abid and Qalb-i- Abid (eds.) South Asia: Politics, Religion and Society Lahore: Pakistan Study Center, University of the Punjab, 2008, pp. 102-142
*“Process, Priorities Crucial to U.S. Aid in Pakistan” Op-ed piece in The Sunday Oregonian newspaper, 10 August 2008, pp. D6
*“A Provincial Islamist Victory in NWFP, Pakistan: The Social Reform Agenda of the Muttahida Majlis- i-Amal” in John L. Esposito and John Voll (eds.) Asian Islam in the 21st Century New York: Oxford University Press, 2008, pp. 145-173
*“Towards Understanding Difference but not ‘Sameness’: a Response to Grahame Thompson” Globalizations Vol. 3, # 4, December 2006 , pp. 449-453
*“Pakistan” in Ray Scupin ( ed.) Peoples and Cultures of Asia Prentice Hall, 2005, pp. 143-184
*“Islamic Influence on Sociolegal Conditions of Pakistani Women” in Daniela Bredi (ed.) Islam in South Asia Monograph of Oriente Moderno; Rome: Istituto per l’Oriente (volume in Italian and English), New Series, XXIII, 1, 2004, pp. 307-328
*“Pakistan-Profile” and “Women in Pakistan” in Encyclopedia of Modern Asia edited by David Levinson and Karen Christensen. 6 volumes. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2002; recipient of 2003 Outstanding Reference Source award by the Reference and User Services Association (RUSA) of the American Library Association
*“Social Development, the Empowerment of Women and the Expansion of Civil Society: Alternative Ways out of the Debt and Poverty Trap” Pakistan Development Review: an International Journal of Development Economics Vol. 40, No. 4, Winter 2003, pp. 401-432
*“Xiangang de Nanyia Musilin Bendizi Shenfen de Chuangzao” (Chinese translation of earlier publication “South Asian Muslims in Hong Kong: Creation of a ‘Local Boy’ Identity”) in Chan Shun-hing (ed.) A Carnival of Gods: Studies of Religions in Hong Kong Hong Kong Reader Series, Oxford University Press and Centre of Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong, 2002, pp. 414-452
*“Much Ado about Counting: the Conflict over Holding a Census in Pakistan” Asian Survey, Vol. XXXIX, No. 4, July/August 1999, pp. 679-693
*“Women, Civil Society and Politics in Pakistan” Citizenship Studies 3(1)1999, pp. 141-150
*“Pakistan: Some Progress, Sobering Challenges” in Selig S. Harrison, Paul H. Kreisberg and Dennis Kux (eds.) India & Pakistan: the First Fifty Years Cambridge University Press, 1999, pp. 132-152
*“The Gendered Division of Space and Access in Working Class Areas of Lahore” Contemporary South Asia Vol. 7, No. 1, Spring 1998, pp. 71-89
*“The Slow Yet Steady Path to Women’s Empowerment in Pakistan” in Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad and John Esposito (eds.) Islam, Gender and Social Change Oxford University Press, 1998, pp. 124-143
*“The Society and its Environment” in Peter R. Blood (ed.) Pakistan: A Country Study Area Handbook Series, Federal Research Division, Library of Congress, 1995, pp. 75-146
*”Within the Walls: Home-based Work in Lahore” in Eileen Boris and Elisabeth Prugl (eds) Homeworkers in Global Perspective: Invisible No More Routledge, Chapman & Hall, 1995, pp. 81-92
*”The Status of Women” in Charles H. Kennedy and Rasul B. Rais (eds.) Pakistan: 1995 Westview Press, 1995, pp. 47-59
*”Women and Religion: Social Reform in South Asia” and “Women’s Action Forum” in Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World Oxford University Press, 1995, pp. 341-344; 346-348
*“Changing Gender Images and Expectations within the Walled City of Lahore” Journal of Women’s Studies Centre for Women’s Studies, Quaid-i-Azam University, Vol. I, No. 1, Dec. 1994, pp. 25-39
*”Challenges for Muslim Women in a Postmodern World” in Hastings Donnan and Akbar S. Ahmed (eds.) Islam, Globalization and Postmodernity Routledge, 1994, pp. 127-140
*”The Consequences of State Policy for Women in Pakistan” in Myron Weiner and Ali Banuazizi (eds.) The Politics of Social Transformation in Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan Syracuse University Press, 1994, pp. 412-444
*”The Women’s Movement in Pakistan” in J. Henry Korson (ed.) Contemporary Problems of Pakistan Westview Press, 1993, pp. 93-106
*”Pakistani Women in the 1980s and Beyond” in Craig Baxter and Syed Razi Wasti (eds.) Pakistan: Authoritarianism in the 1980s Vanguard Books, 1991, pp. 134-152
*”South Asian Muslims in Hong Kong: Creation of a ‘Local Boy’ Identity” Modern Asian Studies Vol. 25, No. 3, 1991, pp. 417-453
*”Working Women in the Old City of Lahore: Opportunities, Ideals and Social Constraints” in Sally Sutherland (ed.) Bridging Worlds: Women in South Asia Center for South Asia Studies Monograph Series, University of California, 1991, pp. 245-264
*”Benazir Bhutto and the Future of Women in Pakistan” Asian Survey Vol. XXX, No. 5, May 1990, pp. 433-445
*”Introduction: Themes and Perceptions on the Bilateral Relationship” in Leo Rose and Kamal Matinuddin (eds.) Beyond Afghanistan: the Emerging U.S. – Pakistan Relations Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California at Berkeley, 1990, pp. 1-27
*”Pharmaceutical TNCs at it Again” Viewpoint (Lahore), Vol. XII, No. 9, October 9, 1986, pp. 12-13
*”The Western Female Researcher in Pakistan: Honorary Man or Sympathetic Woman? On the problems and Advantages of Women studying Women in a Muslim Culture” in Eye to Eye: Women Studying Women in Asia Monograph #3, Committee on Women in Asian Studies, May 1986, pp. 25-37
*”Medicine for the Masses: Development of the Pharmaceutical Industry in Punjab” Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Vol. IX, No. 1, Fall 1985
*”Women’s Position in Pakistan: Sociocultural Effects of Islamization” Asian Survey, Vol. XXV, #8, August 1985, pp. 863-880
*”Women in Pakistan: Implications of the Current Program of Islamization” Working papers Series No. 78, Office of Women in International Development, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, January 1985
*”Tradition and Modernity at the Workplace: a Field Study of Women in the Pharmaceutical Industry of Lahore” Women’s Studies International Forum Vol. 7, No. 4, 1984
*”Women and Factory Work in Punjab, Pakistan” in Nagat M. El-Sanabary (ed.) Women and Work in the Third World: the Impact of Industrialization and Global Economic Interdependence Center for the Study, Education and Advancement of Women, University of California, Berkeley, June 1983, pp. 207-214