

Dr. Anita M. Weiss, Professor Emerita

Department of Int’l & Global Studies 

University of Oregon

(Participating Faculty in Asian Studies, PPPM, Religious Studies, & Sociology)

5206 University of Oregon Eugene, OR 97403-5206   USA


Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.  (–Goethe)

Receiving Faculty Excellence Award from then UO President Scott Coltrane


Ph.D. (Sociology), University of California at Berkeley (1983) M.A. (Sociology), University of California at Berkeley (1976) B.A. (Sociology & South Asian Studies), Rutgers University (1975) Special Certificate in Asian Studies Award, Rutgers University (1975)

Regional Expertise

  • Primary: South Asia (Pakistan and India)
  • Secondary: Middle East/North Africa and Southeast Asia              

Summary of Interests

Culture and Development in Pakistan; Social Change and Political Transformations in Pakistan; Comparative International Development; Development and Human Rights; Gender and International Development; Political Islam; Religion and Social Change; Sociology of South Asia; Women, Legal Reform and Social Change in the Muslim World

 (Selected) Courses and Seminars that I used to teach

INTL 422/522: Aid to Developing Countries Spring 2023

INTL 448/548: Bollywood’s Lens on Indian Society  Fall 2022

INTL 399 Islam and Global Forces Fall 2015
INTL 399 Pakistan & Afghanistan: Connecting the Problems and the Solutions Taught in Summer 2012
INTL 407/507 Militant Islam last taught Fall 2019
INTL 407/507 Women’s Movements around the World (formerly taught in summer)
INTL 421/521: Gender and International Development  Now being taught by Yvonne Braun

INTL 423/523: Development and the Muslim World No longer being taught

INTL 442/ 542: South Asia : Development and Social Change Spring 2020

INTL 607 Graduate Core Seminar (IS graduate students only)

INTL 640: Gender Analysis in Development Planning Special graduate Reading seminar last taught in Spring 2017

INTL 656 Proseminar: Research & Writing in International Studies (IS graduate students only) no longer being taught
last updated 20 September 2023