Patience to Riches

This is an article that a notable billionaire, Warren Buffet, that often speaks about stock advice and money management techniques. I chose this article because not only is it interesting to me, but I believe others should venture out to articles such as this one, to become more aware of how to manage money or having someone with high expertise putting into simpler terms.

Patience is key. Buffets’ main point is to be patient with your money making decisions and to have confidence. This is the value that I took away from this articles. As a college student, money management is important to know to delicate it to certain expenses. As we venture out into the real world, wouldn’t it be nice to start thinking about your financial future? Examples could be starting up a 401(k) or a long-term high interest savings account. Regardless of how you choose to invest, having patience is crucial to wait for a decent return.

I caution you that this article will not tell you how to go from ‘rags to riches’ or a millionaire overnight, but it will tell you some of the choices that billionaires made at some point to become who they are today.

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