Today I sat in the library for a few hours as I had some spare time in between my classes. I tried to sit in an area where I could a good view to “observe” people for the assignment. It was difficult at first to know when or who to choose to quickly judge what I see. What I saw was mostly similarities between a lot of them. They all seem to be focused and determined to find a place to study and get to work. In their dressing apparel and body movement them seemed to in a comfortable manner. They didn’t stand out of the ordinary for me to determine what their beliefs could be. If I were to determine what their beliefs were to be from analyzing styles of clothes, I would say that their beliefs are to be clean cut, well dressed, and have proper social skills. Their ages were all similar as well, all around their twenties. They all seemed to be well off, in financial terms, as they were well dressed and had expensive possessions. These assumptions make me believe that, without judgement, we are used to describe what people may be like from not getting to know them, sorta like judging a book by its cover. We don’t know who they are, but how they are dressed and body language, we as a society are able to determine stories for people from their appearance.