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AAD 610 Reflection: Part 2

Through this course, I have learned that the marketing scheme for a nonprofit organization can be implemented by anyone with a knowledge of the audience and content being marketed.

In relation to the social media marketing campaign, there are many tools in which to plan social media posts and content. More importantly, there needs to be a focus for a social media campaign with specific implementation plans so as to post when the content will be the most visible and not overcrowd feeds on different social media sites.

As far as audiences for organizations, the key idea is to know the audience. Do the research and get to know the people around you before you implement a marketing campaign. This I found to be the most transferable skill in my experience in this course for museum studies and education.

Marketing map draft

Channel: Facebook

  • Exploration:
    • Pro- Facebook is a part of social media that has existed for quite some time meaning that more people may have access to the social media site.
    • Con- Facebook is now being replaced by Twitter and the primary social media site for younger generations.
    • Pro- Very little restriction on the size of the content. Photos, videos, links, etc. may be shared through the site.
  • Organizational Use:
    • Currently, Conner Prairie operates using multiple social media sites (Facebook included). However, the writing can be stiff at times and the logo does not draw attention as the current profile picture.
    • The Facebook page for Conner Prairie can act as a mini website. Featured posts can focus on what is going on in a particular section of the interactive park for a week. More importantly, the events tab on the page can be utilized more (especially during the winter months when admissions takes a hit) for marketing special events, free admission days, etc.
    • The bump in activity for promotions could bring new life into the page. For a museum that has many visitors that are of upper elementary age, the current activity does not aim for drawing in that demographic (or their parents/teachers) but an older and possibly retired community.

Channel: Vine

  • Exploration:
    • Pro- Vine is based on short bursts of video content that can be repeated on a loop. The six-second video burst can be used events, exhibits, performances, etc. without much copyright restriction.
    • Con- While Vine is an established social media site, the demographic that frequents the site are of the younger generation meaning older donors and members are less likely to access this site.
  • Organizational Use:
    • Currently, Vine is not being used by Conner Prairie in their social media campaign. Vimeo is the only purely social media web channel. Each of the interactive areas and museum exhibits has beautifully crafted one-minute videos with interpreters interacting with children and their families in the exhibits.
    • Vine would allow for more candid representations of the park and events. Each event has elements of humor and family friendliness that can be displayed in 6 seconds.
    • A few possible examples: family being scared by the Headless Horseman on the hayride, Lenape tomahawk throwing, Civil War target practice, children doing “Scary-aoke”, etc.

Channel: Instagram

  • Exploration:
    • Pro- Instagram is a social media site that is focused on visual sharing. The site expansion to include video added to sharing capabilities.
    • Con- Instagram into such a visual site that to catch attention, photos and videos need to be precise and planned.
  • Organizational Use:
    • Currently, Conner Prairie uses Instagram as one of their social media outlets. Th pictures range from staff, visitors, outdoor landscapes, and small indoor exhibitions.
    • Having grown up near the museum and visiting both as a member and student, I have fond memories of Conner Prairie. Looking through their current Instagram feed brought back a few memories. However, the feed of pictures lacks continuity.
    • A few photo/ video examples would be school groups in the prairie schoolhouse, kids at the animal farm, #throwbackthursday to an interpreter churning butter, etc. The Instagram feed should focus on the interactive park and museum to show the beauty and versatility of the park while maintaining the sense of nostalgia that help visitors return as they grow older.

AAD 610 Learning Goals: Part 2

Through this course, my learning goals will be:

  • To better understand the role of a brand in a marketing scheme.
  • To learn a few of the basic avenues of marketing for nonprofit arts organizations.
  • To learn some basic strategies that can be applied to social media marketing.
  • To better understand the audience of an arts organizations and how to use and interpret that information.
  • To learn the basic components of a marketing plan for an arts organization and how it can be applied to other departments of an organization.