Trouble for US Troops in the Middle east

Americans deploy forces in the Middle East due to ongoing Israeli conflicts with Middle Eastern neighbors, most notably Lebanon. According to this source, American militants in Lebanon could be facing serious consequences. There are still 2,500 troops deployed in Iraq and 900 more in Syria that could become involved in armed conflict wherever they are located. Suicide drones have hit several bases with US troops inside them in both Syria and Iraq. The attacks have been blamed on Iranian-backed forces.

A quote found on CNN can summarize the issue – “We see a prospect for much more significant escalation against US forces and personnel in the near term,” the official said. “And let’s be clear about it. The road leads back to Iran. Iran funds, arms, equips and trains militias and proxy forces all across the region. … We are preparing for this escalation, both in terms of defending our forces and being prepared to respond decisively.” -A senior defense official.

Instead of leaving the Middle East, the USA will double down on defense and prepare for war once again. This though, goes much past just the Israel-Palestine conflict.

“If crimes against humanity do not stop immediately, there is the possibility at any moment that the region will go out of control.” – Iranian foreign minister. “Any miscalculation in continuing genocide and forced displacement can have serious and bitter consequences, both in the region and for the warmongers,” – Abdollahian (speaking to the USA and Israel) 

“if crimes against humanity do not stop immediately, there is the possibility at any moment that the region will go out of control.” – Iranian foreign minister

As we can see, the end of conflict is nowhere in sight for the Middle Eastern region of our globe. What else is sad to see is global superpowers only fueling the fire (USA, UK, many countries in Europe).

Intelligence shows Iranian-backed militias are ready to ramp up their attacks against US forces in the Middle East | CNN Politics

The source can be found HERE

1983 Beirut barracks bombings - Wikipedia

  • Benjamin Myers

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