Creative spirituality

My definition of spirituality deals with the connection between religion and the human mind. Usually spirituality would occur for your eyes only, it’s usually something that no one else can see. I remember in the show, Avatar the Last Airbender, the main character was always went through spirituality because he was the only person who could go into a different state of mind than others. Often times, spirituality can undergo decision making by the influence from the unearthly connections.

Spirituality does differ from religion because there are religious organizations that people go to, such as a church or a temple to learn more about religion. There is usually a pastor or a monk that will guide everyone to the same path of spirituality. This makes religion really organized and structural in which the directors lead you to a specific spirituality. But spirituality should be in the state of mind where no one can see the same things you can, and it’s your own pathway in what you want to believe in.

Creativity is when something is thought outside of the box. It is always different than everyone else’s idea of creativity because it usually is original and unique. But in this case, creativity is the ability to see things differently by coming from a different perspective. Everyone has the capability to be creative because they all come in different sources. Most creativity comes from spirituality because spirituality influences a lot of things.

The source of creativity usually is from artists and musicians who get it from spirituality as said before. A great example of creativity from musicians come from Church songs or songs about Jesus. They get their inspiration from religion. As for artists, they get their ideas based on symbols of what they believe in, such as a cross for Jesus, or by painting their own ‘heaven’ on a canvas to show that they believe in God and that there is a heaven. Overall, creativity comes from what people believe in.

Deeply seeing

Deeply seeing by Grey reveals that there is a vast difference between looking and seeing. In the text, seeing is actually the recognition of meaning, “No wonder that once the art of seeing is lost, Meaning is lost, and all of life seems ever more meaningless: “They know not what they do, for they do not see what they look at” (Grey 73). By this quote, Grey means that seeing some spiritually must only focus on the art of seeing itself, and not by focusing on the meaning or anything else.

Artists look for three things in art and they are things “that are need for beauty: integritas (wholeness), consonantia (harmony), and claritas (radiance)” (Grey). These three concepts can be recognized as the artists’ “three eyes of knowing, which are used to examine the spiritual beauty”. As the article goes on, Grey describes more about the creative processes and how spirituality can play a huge role in artist, especially inspiration because spirituality can influence an artist’s artwork. In his case, Grey’s art came to him in visions of grander. Little visions he sketches in a book and makes complete later. “In order to experience art fully, viewers must go through a mini ego death by placing themselves in the inspired minds of the artists, who themselves are out of their minds and only act as channels of creative spirit” (Grey 74). This quote reveals the creative pathway that artists go through to experience art spiritually. Also, when an artists is inspired, it is as if the artist is “possessed by some creative force, overtaken by a vision and driven to create” (Grey). By spirituality, artists can fully experience art’s true meaning, but this also can applied to anything. How do you express spirituality through inspiration?