Technology has taken over so many of people’s lives, especially from gaming. McGonigal says that our population’s “gamers are super-powerful hopeful individuals”. In the online world, gamers get so determined to win and to work hard to achieve their goal. Most online games have to do with strategy and survival. Do you think gamers can come out of the virtual world and make real-life contributions to the good of the real world such as survival or situations that happen in the daily life?
Hi,alinadang! Your question is novel and your response provide me more insights. I agree with you that I doubt that the gamers may not come out of the virtual world and make contribution to the real-world problems. I understand what the presenter’s idea that during the game, people’s active attitude is motivated and may bring us positive feedback to make accomplishment for the “eipc win”. I understand this ability will be beneficial when we solve real-world problems, but how can we use well this type of human resource and how can we mobilize their co-operated ability? Do you agree the speaker’s idea that “gamers are a human resource that we can use to do real-world work, that games are a powerful platform for change”? (McGonigal,TED)
Hello, I think that you pose a good question regarding how video game players react in the real world. Recent media claims say that video games, specifically the violent type, can be detrimental to an individuals behavior and can also be a catalyst for violent behavior. However, in my personal opinion, video games are an accessory to an person’s interest. It’s a virtual experience that shouldn’t be used as a scapegoat or excuse for a particular event.
The question you brought up is a very insightful. Gamers are very involved in their online gaming world and they are filled with passion. I had experience of getting into fight with a male friend who forgot we would hang out because of his game. I definitely agree that games have many strategies and wisdom surviving in games, but I highly doubt they will have the same ability in real world scenario. Games and real world are two entirely different situations that the fact gamers did well in games say nothing about their ability in real world.