Life Values Assessment

  1. Integrity
  2. Family
  3. Friendship
  4. Health
  5. Enjoyment
  6. Wisdom
  7. Loyalty
  8. Personal Development
  9. Security
  10. Independence
  11. Wealth
  12. Creativity
  13. Personal Accomplishment
  14. Service
  15. Community
  16. Expertness
  17. Prestige
  18. Leadership
  19. Location
  20. Power
Things I did today consisted of eating breakfast, working out the gym, homework, connected with some friends, cooked lunch, and I talked to my little brother over Facebook.
These activities I did today were what I would normally do every weekend. I talked to my little brother, because he was important to me to keep in touch with him to see how he was doing. It was such a relief to get together with my best friend and her friends today, because I enjoy talking about problems with them; it helps me relieve stress. Friendship and enjoyment is ranked very high on my list because they have always been there for me and are extremely reliable when my family is not around.
I ate a moderately healthy breakfast and worked out at the gym for the first time in a long time. These have to do with my parents’ belief patterns because they have always told me to eat healthily and exercise often so that I could have healthy organs and a long healthy life. Their belief of health was important for me to follow, because health is ranked #4 out of 20 on my most important values. I think I have completely authority over my value of health because I have studied a lot about health (considering I’m a biology major) and it is crucial for me to live a long healthy life without any problems, so that it would not interfere with any other of my life long goals.
All of my values are connected with integrity, (rank #1) my most important value. I will always have my morals stuck with me everywhere I go, and everything I do. I think every activity I do and make sure it is beneficial and well connected with my other values.

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