Davis-Bricker Award

Davis-Bricker Award Info

About Your Scholarship


History of the Scholarship:

Diane Bricker, retired Associate Dean of the College of Education, is a nationally recognized expert in early intervention. Dr. Bricker and her son Tim Bricker created this endowed scholarship in 2002 in loving memory of Diane’s mother, Madeline Davis. In her 90’s, “Grandma Davis” was a volunteer at a local elementary school and according to family and friends was “loved by all small children who came her way.” This fund was established to support student research projects for improving services for young children with disabilities, or at-risk for disabilities, and their families.

The award recipients will be selected on the basis of the following criteria: 

• Student must be enrolled and in good standing in a graduate program in the College of Education.

• The student’s interest and career focus must be on children with disabilities or whose development and learning are at risk. Preference is given first to doctoral students in Early Intervention, then to master’s student in Early Intervention, then to other graduate student in the College of Education whose career interest and research is focused on young children and their families.

The following people established and support this scholarship. In September, you will be asked to write a card to thank them as well as craft a personal testimonial to be sent to the donors.

Dr. Diane Bricker

Mr. Tim Bricker (Diane’s son)