Jessen Scholarship

Jessen Scholarship Info

About Your Scholarship



History of the Scholarship:

Ms. Jessen is a retired public school psychologist who spent most of her career in the Lake Oswego School District. She established programs in the district focused on learning disabilities and autism. Ms. Jessen received both her undergraduate degree in psychology and her master’s degree in special education from the UO in the 1960s. She spent her first two years after leaving the UO in California, where she taught emotionally disabled children. She subsequently moved to Lake Oswego where she practiced her profession in the public school district for 32 years. Janice and her husband, Marv, remain active with international travel that includes skiing and scuba diving.

The award recipients will be selected on the basis of the following criteria:

• Masters level graduate students with a major in School Psychology or a closely related field in the College of Education

 Intention to work as school psychologist or school counselor in a school-based setting upon completion of the program.

Good academic standing

Financial Need

The following person established and supports this scholarship. In October you
will be asked to write a card to thank her.

Ms. Janice Jessen