unit 02 — part two

personal development

personal accomplishment

What did I do today? Ha! How much time have you got? I woke up at 6am to work out, followed by a two-plus hour wake-up ritual, worked a nominal but financially providing number of hours, then went for an 8-mile run along the river paths.  Huh. I guess that didn’t take as much time as I thought.

My sister is staying with me while she’s in town, so we did what siblings do: a little secret-drinking and more than a little giggling/judging. We watched The View at some point which mostly resulted in outrage – hypothetical god, I love a good outrage.  But I’m getting side-tracked…

I often defer to a personal motto when explaining my life/decision-making processes to folks: I treat every day like I’m camping. As a rule I try not to let an excessive number of rules into my life – health/fitness being the major exception – and, you know, the whole rule about not having rules.

I’ve spent a lot of time rejecting propriety and actively unlearning value systems endemic to society, my family, friends, folks I know. Though ultimately futile — it’s unknowable whether or not successful– I’ve never found it beneficial to compare my experience to another’s – which goes a long way to explaining my top five priorities (as defined by the glossary provided).

I’ve been on the receiving end of a decent amount of marginalization in my life which I suspect goes a long way towards contributing to the pursuit of independent thought and individual interests. It comes easy when folks remove you, in so many ways, from the collective experience — treat you as “other.” I feel like in these circumstances things go one of two ways: you either become defined by that experience or you embrace it and redefine yourself, beliefs, and values. If you follow the first route, you fall victim to external values. If you choose the latter, you begin choosing yourself and your experience above all else.

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