The AAD Program is located in Lawrence Hall, on the north side of the UO campus. The building is somewhat of a maze, and it can be difficult to find classrooms and offices. Use the descriptions and linked maps below to find your way around.
1st Floor
Dean’s Office, Facilities Support Services, Laverne Krause Gallery (map)
2nd Floor
Most of your time will be spent here. The Willcox Hearth is a cafe and meeting/study space. The AAA Library is full of books and periodicals related to AAD subject areas. You can make copies in the AAA Library, or print papers and projects directly from your computer in the Output Room. The 2nd floor also houses the AAD office, faculty offices, resource room, and primary classroom LA249. (map)
3rd Floor
Visual Resources Collection, classrooms for other programs (map)
4th floor
Materials Resource Center, studios (map)