I’ve been researching books and resources related to evaluation, especially museums and visitors. I’ve started a list of books and readings on the topic I thought I would share. Please share any additions you may have.
Wendy Meluch, Visitor Studies Manual. https://visitorstudiesmanual.wordpress.com (free download. I would start here. Wendy is an exceptional evaluator. She created this resource with grant support. It’s intended to help museum staff and volunteers do in-house evaluation.)
Judy Diamond et al., Practical Evaluation Guide: Tools for Museums and Other Informal Educational Settings. (Rowman & Littlefield 2016)
Stephanie Weaver, Creating Great Visitor Experiences (Left Coast Press, 2007)
Beverly Serrell, Judging Exhibitions (Left Coast Press, 2006)
There is a section on evaluation in Exhibit Makeovers, 2nd edition (Parman, Craig, Murphy, White, Rowman & Littlefield, 2017).