Earlier this week I read a piece in OP-ED section of the New York Times by David Brooks (May 8, 2018 page A25) who writes a column about politics, culture and social sciences. In the column Brooks writes about Stewart Brand, an American writer who founded the Whole Earth Catalog in the 60’s based on the belief society needs to follow the example of Native Americans and return to living off the land. In 1985 Brand created an organization called “The WELL” which stands for Whole Earth ‘Lectronic Link, where he envisioned the creation of a virtual community that could fulfill “spiritual longings” through technology. David Brand labels Brooks a “model of how you do social change” and a “cultural craftsman.” In one of the more interesting quotes from the column, David Brooks writes “When a culture changes, it’s often because a small group of people on society’s margins find a better way to live, parts of which the mainstream adopts.”
I’m curious what the rest of the class thinks about two ideas from the column in light of what we’re learning in class. The first idea, is it possible to build a “virtual community” that is as meaningful and fulfilling as an actual physical community? Second, do you believe the assertion that social change comes from a small group of people (like Saul Alinsky for example,) or do you think it’s driven by larger social forces?
The David Brooks column can be found at: “https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/07/opinion/stewart-brand-hippie-silicon.html”