You will be asked to complete a variety of journal entries as well as four individual reports and two creative displays throughout the term. Journal entries allow for space to take risks, conduct self-reflection, ask questions, and be an outlet for less formal writing. Reports and Creative Displays are oriented to focus your, ideas, energy, questions, and most importantly bring together your term’s writing, research, creative practice, peer and instructor response, revisions, and editing to form a tailored and professional individual final class project. Tiering of Reports and Creative Displays is intentional in order to provide you with peer and instructor evaluation, opportunities for revision and enhancement of research, writing skills, and creative development. As such we see these Reports and Creative Displays as interconnected and part of a research and creative process. Please see the Course Schedule for due dates.
Content guidelines and details for each Reports and Creative Display will be further outlined in class sessions as well as supporting documents provided on our course blog site. Each assignment will act as an analytical/reflective tool regarding selected findings of scientific looking and cultural artistic meaning for the artist you have selected to examine throughout the term. Depth of thought and quality of writing and creative process/product will be considered for grading purposes (writing and presentation rubrics for grading are posted on the course site).
These key assignments are in addition to daily/weekly assignments related to in-class work.
As a whole, these tiered assignments focus upon the individual Final Project Paper and Creative Exhibit of your choosing focused on the artist(s) you select from a provided list (see Report 2 instructions). You will pick a specific artist(s) and scientific theme focused on a current social/political/environmental upon which to conduct research throughout the term. At the end of the term, the class will host an exhibit exploring the research work you have conducted throughout the term.
The Final Project Paper and Creative Exhibit will be an engaging culmination of your work during the term. Your final project presentation should be a rich, rewarding visual and research showcase of the work you have diligently pursued during the term.